Saturday, July 31, 2010

Swing Low Sweet Supertease!

So, a while back, I was scoring this supertease for a certain show (that will remain nameless). The idea was that one of the cast members was singing the song, "Swing Low Sweet Chariot," and as she sang, the supertease grew from fun and playful to dark and dramatic. This cast member sang under the entire thing and I scored to her singing, climaxing to a dramatic ending.

UNFORTUNATELY, the supertease got bumped in favor of a "FUN" supertease that played up all the "FUN" of the season instead of the drama. So my cue got bumped as well. Since the supertease didn't go to air, I'm not allowed to show it, or I would be fined $1 million or something like that. However, there's nothing that says I can't share the music I wrote for it.

It plays a lot more dramatic with the sound bites and images on screen, but I think you'll get the picture when you listen. Check it out and let me know what you think of it.

Swing Low

Movin' On!

Here's another cue I just worked on. A little more laid back than my last few cues. Also .... Zebra looking at Dolphin in a Tank! So, you have that.

Move On


Here's an electronic orchestral cue I worked on. Let me know what you guys think.

Electronic Orcs

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Corn Cobs and Cauliflower!

Hey guys! I'm back! So, here's a cue I just finished. Its name is not perfect but it'll do! I named it what I named it not because it has anything to do with those who do not eat from an animal, but because when I asked my wife what I should call this one, she said, "Big and Epic," and I heard ...

Vegan Epic

Friday, July 16, 2010


As promised, here's that new 8-bit cue I wrote. This time it's for Magnum, p.i.

I've been thinking about doing a bunch of these for tv themes, old and new. Might even start a whole new page for them. What do you think!?

Well, anyway, here it is...

Magnum, p.i.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


So, here's a new cue I wrote the other day. It's an action cue but it has a breakdown in the middle for those serious moments. Let me know what y'all think!

Also, if you liked that 8-bit version of the A-Team theme, then you're in for a treat. Because I have another one coming along soon of another famous TV show from the 80s. Now, if you DIDN'T like the 8-bit song I posted last week ... well, sorry. But for everyone else, YAY!

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy ORCHESTRA ALL IN YO FACE!

More Than Just A Fight

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Back to my A-Game...

OK! So, now I'm REALLY back. I finished that "side project" I've been working on that had nothing to do with music. So, now I can just come home from work and bust out some cues. I'm really excited about it! I should get a lot more posts up now, which means so much goodness for you guys out there!

...I can tell you're excited!

To officially kick off the new life of my blog, I've done a quick little ditty to tide you over while I write some things. This was actually a request by a friend of mine. He wanted me to do my own version of the A-Team theme. I don't know if this is what he had in mind but this is what I came up with. Now enjoy...

The A-Theme